

Tara Brach: From BuddhaFest’s 9/11 Event

This past weekend, to mark ten years since 9/11, the organizers of the BuddhaFest film festival in Washington, DC (with whom Tricycle partnered not long ago) put together an event featuring Sylvia Boorstein, Tara Brach, Lama…

By Tricycle


BuddhaFest Teaching: Lama Tsony on Crazy Wisdom

During the funeral for the 16th Karmapa, in Sikkim, India, Lama Tsony had a brief but significant encounter with Chögyam Trunga—a thunderbolt, as he describes it. Bolstered by the fearlessness of compassionate wisdom, Chögyam Trungpa moved…

By Tricycle


Magical Moments: BuddhaFest in DC

There was a magical moment at BuddhaFest in DC this past weekend. Actually there were plenty but one stands out in particular, for me personally. I was chatting with Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara before she was…

By Tricycle

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